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This course is specially designed for those who need a technical insight into PICs, how they can be integrated into existing systems or replace traditional approaches, and what needs to be considered.​

Whether you're a R&D engineer, a Project Manager or a Recruitment specialist, this course will be for you.


What will you gain?

  • An understanding of where PICs can be deployed, their advantages and limitations.​

  • A high-level appreciation of PIC components and where they are beneficial.​

  • An intuitive feel for the operation of passive PIC circuitry through hands-on guided lesson plans

2025 Date TBC

Location: University of Bristol

Planned Activities:

  • Day 1: Informal lecture with introductory concepts.  How does light travel in an optical waveguide, i/o, how can it be directed, how do we tune certain parameters.

  • Day 2: Completion of the lesson plans, a lecture to close and discuss some existing and emerging application areas, advantages & limitations of PICs

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